We are incredibly proud to announce that two Med High students will take part in the conference.
The 4th Panhellenic Undergraduate Philosophy Conference will be held online on April 16th-18th on https://enunphilcon.weebly.com/. Distinguished professors of Philosophy will honour the conference with their presence, such as Luciano Floridi (University of Oxford), Anastasia Berg (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), Agnes Callard (University of Chicago) and the author of the popular website, Daily Nous, Justin Weinberg (University of South Carolina).
We are incredibly proud to announce that two Med High students – after the evaluation of their presentations by a scientific committee – will take part in the conference. Marilia Teneketzidi , a year 1 student, will be the first speaker at the conference where she will discuss the ‘Benefits of Teaching Stoicism to Primary School Children’ on Friday 16th April at 4:00 p.m (https://westernuniversity.zoom.us/j/99668257778#success). Following, Rafaella Grigoriou, one of our Year 5 students, will talk about ‘3D Printing of Human Organs and the Limits of Science’ on Saturday, April 17th at 2:00 p.m (https://westernuniversity.zoom.us/j/93081975213#success). The Conference is in Greek and will be online through Zoom and open to the public on https://unphilcon.weebly.com/4thprogramme.html