16th February 2023
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The High School students will be having their school photographs taken on Wednesday 22nd February 2023, with the exception of the Year 4 students which will have their photographs taken on Tuesday 21st February. Year 6 Graduation portraits will be taken on Thursday 23rd February. This is a compulsory package and will be given to the students with the reports in June.
Students must come to school neatly dressed in their formal school uniform with their hair brushed and wearing black polished shoes.
Girl’s uniform Boy’s uniform
White long sleeved shirt White long sleeved shirt
Burgundy jumper Burgundy jumper
School tie School tie
School trousers/skirt School trousers
The photograph prices are as follows:
Class photo (15×21) €3.00 each
Graduate portraits – Compulsory €20.00 per set (includes one 30×21 graduate portrait, four 15×21 graduate portraits, four wallet size graduate portraits and one 15×21 class photo)
The order form can be collected from the front office. You are kindly requested to fill in the order form accordingly and submit it, together with payment to the finance office by Wednesday 22nd February 2023.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Yours sincerely,
Med High Administration
Cc Principal – Elena Mouzourou