The school uniform must be strictly adhered to and worn to and from school as well as in school. All school uniform items have the school logo.
Formal school uniform
- White short / long sleeved polo shirt
- Charcoal trousers for both boys and girls
- Charcoal bermuda shorts for boys
- Charcoal skirt for girls (knee length) with black tights
- Bordeaux pullover
- Black anorak
Physical Education uniform
- White short sleeved cotton soft collar T-shirt
- Navy shorts
- Navy tracksuit bottoms
- Navy hooded top
Pupils may come to school in their P.E. uniform only on the days when they have Physical Education.
- Black shoes or entirely black trainers (without coloured logos, etc.) ONLY (Sandals are prohibited).
- Black or white socks
All items of uniform are available at the Med High School premises. Please ensure you put name labels on your child’s uniform and personal items.