
Building an orphanage!

At Med High we thrive to instill the importance of philanthropy, empathy and volunteerism into our children. This summer however, we could not have asked for a better role model for our students than their very own teacher, Isavella Tsiambarta (Maths), who is currently in Madagascar building an orphanage!

Isavella is volunteering as part of the Cypriot non-profit organisation, Save Madagascar ( ), which is  contributing to the missionary project of the Holy Diocese of Toliara and South Madagascar. This project has also built nine schools including an IT school, offering free education to 7500 children in an area where access to education and health services is limited.

We are incredibly proud of Isavella and the courage she has shown in travelling across the world to show active solidarity to this poverty-hit area. We wish her a safe return and look forward to hearing about her adventures!

*Anyone interesting in making contributions to any of these organisations can do so using the details below:

Revolut account: Save Madagascar: +357 99 814969 IBAN: LT18 3250 0981 4975 1415 BIC: REVOLT21

Δικαιούχος λογαριασμού: Παναγιώτης Κατσούλης Διεύθυνση: Ιερά Μονή Αγίων Αναργύρων, Πάρνωνα, Σπάρτη, Ελλάδα, Τ.Θ. 74, 23100 Τηλ. δικαιούχου λογαριασμού: +30 698 052 4257 Αριθμός Λογαριασμού Εθνικής Τραπέζης GR3901104680000046800782982 Ιερά Επισκοπή Τολιάρας και Νοτίου Μαδαγασκάρης.

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