A Thought-Provoking Big Debate on Ecocide: Human Rights Week Highlights
Last week marked the culmination of a highly successful and dynamic Human Rights Week at Med High! A standout event was “The Big Debate,” where various celebrities, from political heavyweights Donald Trump and Joe Biden to cultural icons Emma Watson, Kim Kardashian, and Jeremy Clarkson, engaged in a formal discussion on the issue of Ecocide.
Among the highlights was the unexpected eloquence of Greta Thunberg, who bore a striking resemblance to our own Maayan Ekshar. However, the real surprise came in the form of an impromptu rap session featuring Kanye West and Jayden Smith, with a special appearance by Sir Paul McCartney!
The lively and diverse perspectives presented during this event sparked engaging conversations among our students, fostering a deeper understanding of the complexities surrounding Ecocide.