
Once again, the Erasmus+ team joins forces with the humanities and art department to produce a video on the refugee crisis.

A special shoutout goes out to Raphaella Gregoriou, Zoe Hadjikakou and our amazing team of teachers, particularly Mrs Salome Paraskeva, Mr. Avgerinos Santamas and Mr. Antonios Charalambous.

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Our principal Mrs. Elena Mouzourou, proudly presented to Mrs. Maria Chrisostomou from the Cyprus Anticancer Society a cheque with the funds raised by our ‘Harry’s Day’ event in memory of our dear student Harry Costa. The money will specifically go to Arodafnousa Hospice which offers palliative care to cancer patients.

We would like to express our gratitude to those who purchased a t-shirt and also to our courageous runners who braved stormy conditions to run the Radisson Blu Larnaka International Marathon in Harry’s name.

A special well done goes to the Med High Charity Club, Year 6 students, Mr. Steve, and the Front Office Staff for the coordination and organization of this most worthwhile of events!

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Congratulations to Med High student Sojna Zhiyenbayeva, winner of the International tennis tournament under 16!

We wish you the best of luck as you compete in the Australian Open next week!


Photo credit: Photos Kallias Tennis Academy – Larnaca

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Junior School: ICT and ENGLISH
cross-curricular typing activity.

The Grade 4 students are typing their informational texts on tablets practising this way their basic word processing skills during the ICT lesson.

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Our Eco-committee had a mission to enlighten our students on the reasons to recycle, and more specifically how to use the recycling bins in the school.

This was accomplished by 5 minute ‘commercials’ which they presented to both Med High and Med Junior students.

Our Eco-warriors were especially impressed with the enthusiasm and knowledge shown by the younger children, giving them hope for a greener future!







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