OXI day parade!
Well done to all our Med High students for making us proud once again with your excellent performance in this years 28th of October OXI day parade!
Special thanks goes to Mr. Peki, Mr. Kyriakos and Mr. Antonios for helping you practice and prepare!
Beach Clean! ⛱️
Med High’s environmentalists took part in a beach clean as part of the nationwide campaign by ‘Lets do it Cyprus’ to clean Cyprus. Although Oroklini beach was relatively clean, students and staff were shocked at the number of cigarettes found in the sand and general garbage found at the top of the beach where many people park. Broken pipes, chairs and beach toys were amongst the items found scattered on our beautiful beach front.
The surprisingly high temperature for the time of year was also a source of discussion with the possible link to global warming discussed!
OXI day – 28th of October Celebration
To 1940 η ανθρωπότητα βίωνε την τραγωδία του Β’ Παγκοσμίου Πολέμου. Η συμμετοχή της Ελλάδας στα γεγονότα ξεκίνησε στις 28 Οκτωβρίου 1940. Η Ιταλία παρέδωσε τελεσίγραφο στον Έλληνα Πρωθυπουργό Ιωάννη Μεταξά να παραχωρήσει τη χώρα στις Δυνάμεις του Άξονα. Ο Μεταξάς αναφώνησε το γενναίο ΟΧΙ που οδήγησε την ίδια κιόλας μέρα τους Ιταλούς να κηρύξουν πόλεμο κατά των Ελλήνων. Οι Έλληνες πολέμησαν τους Ιταλούς στα Αλβανικά Βουνά με εξαιρετική γενναιότητα. Το θάρρος και η αποφασιστικότητά τους οδήγησαν σε μια σειρά από εντυπωσιακές και απροσδόκητες επιτυχίες του ελληνικού στρατού κατά των Δυνάμεων του Άξονα. Οι γερμανικές δυνάμεις ενώθηκαν με τους Ιταλούς τον Απρίλιο του 1941 με αποτέλεσμα την Κατοχή της Ελλάδας. Οι Έλληνες υπέφεραν τρομερά κάτω από τη γερμανική κατοχή. Οι μαχητές της Αντίστασης πολέμησαν γενναία και κατάφεραν στρατηγικά και σημαντικά πλήγματα στις Δυνάμεις του Άξονα. Η Ελλάδα απελευθερώθηκε οριστικά τον Οκτώβριο του 1944. Το Ελληνικό Έθνος ήταν ελεύθερο αλλά βαριά πληγωμένο. Η επέτειος του ΟΧΙ γιορτάζεται κάθε 28η Οκτωβρίου με παρελάσεις και εκδηλώσεις.
During 1940 the world was suffering the tragedy of World War Two. Greece’s involvement begins on the 28th of October 1940. Italy delivers an ultimatum to the Greek Prime Minister Ioanni Metaxa to surrender the country to the Axis Powers. Metaxas exclaimed the brave ΟXΙ that led the Italians to declare war against the Greeks on that very day. The Greeks fought the Italians on the Albanian mountains with extraordinary bravery. Their courage and determination led to a series of impressive and unexpected successes of the Greek army against the Axis Powers. German forces joined the Italians in April 1941 and led to the occupation of Greece. The Greeks suffered tremendously under the German occupation. The fighters of the Resistance fought courageously and stroke strategic and significant blows to the Axis Powers. Greece was finally liberated in October 1944. The Greek nation was free but severely wounded. OXI day is commemorated every 28th of October with parades and other events.
DoE first Adventurous Journey
Our Year 3 Bronze DoE students successfully completed their first Adventurous Journey. They learnt how to set up their tents, cook their own meals and survive in nature!
Both Bronze and Silver students hiked amongst Cyprus’ stunning waterfalls and were also given an array of tasks – amongst the many kilometers of walking – such as identifying key locations in the village of Spilia.
Well done to all! Your DoE teachers are incredibly proud of you!
Nicosia Global Universities Fair
High School:
Med High students accompanied by some parents and Mr. Michalis Theocharous visited a Global Universities Fair, which included presentations from 70 Universities from 8 countries, at the Cleopatra Hotel in Nicosia!