Archives for 26 Feb,2018

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Academic Achievements

For yet another year, keeping up with the tradition of academic excellence, Med High’s students and teachers were proud, delighted and honored to attend the ‘Outstanding Pearson Learner Awards’ ceremony that took place on the 14th December, 2017 in Nicosia.
The students of Med High School excelled once again in their Edexcel IGCSE and A-Level exams, with some students scoring the highest marks in Cyprus while others achieved the prestigious distinction of receiving the highest mark in the world! The students that achieved the highest pancyprian Edexcel grades and exhibited outstanding performance are Mariya Spiridonova of Year 5 for her result in IGCSE English Language and Andrea Popa of Year 5 for her result in IGCSE English Language and English Literature. Daria Mosolova and Jonathan Dautzenberg, Med High School’s graduates of 2017, both attained the truly impressive and commendable award for achieving the highest mark in the world on their A-Level exams in English Literature and Applied Information and Communication Technology respectively.
The Med-High school staff and administration congratulate the students for their admirable, praise-worthy accomplishments and wish them success in their future academic endeavors.

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